Travel: Top 50 destinations

How many of our 50 destinations for 2015 did you manage? It's not too late to squeeze in another trip before Christmas...


35 of 50

Maui, Hawaii

Photo: Misha Gravenor

Driving across Maui these days, you’ll discover a new-age melting pot—a Hawaii for the next generation. Consider Halemano, a resort of Balinese-style huts, funky Modernist cabins, and yurts in Kipahulu, on Maui’s rugged eastern coast. Not much has changed in Kipahulu, but the rest of Maui sure seems to have. The “other side” of the island, once the sterile zone of hotels and golf resorts, has caught on to the idea that sustainable living, organic farming, and a reverence for Hawaiian traditions can be made over as premium luxury. The new Montage Kapalua Bay Hotel welcomes guests with orchid leis and fresh pineapple. It has a grotto-like pool, a spa for lomilomi massages, and an outrigger-style atrium that houses the Cane & Canoe restaurant (ingredients are sourced from Napili Flo Farm). Farther down the west coast near Wailea,The Andaz, owned by Hyatt, opened in 2013 and is on the cutting edge of Maui’s holistic luxury. Check-in involves sitting barefoot in a Zen sandpit on tribal wooden stools, while the receptionist enters you in a tablet computer.  —Julia Chapman


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