Country Life October 19 2016

Winnie-the-Pooh; Spode's bicentenary; and how to be a much better shot.


Country Life October 19 2016 celebrates Winnie-the-Pooh; reveals how to be a much better shot; how to be an expert off-road; and how to sleep like a lamb. Find out more here:

ARCHITECTURE: John Goodall visits Lambay Castle in Co Dublin, one of Lutyens’s most accomplished and magical yet little-known architectural projects

GARDENS: David Wheeler explores the tranquil and inventive gardens of Son Muda, which will be part of a COUNTRY LIFE tour in Mallorca next spring

WINNIE-THE-POOH: As the nation’s favourite bear of very little brain turns 90, Julia Eccleshare celebrates the enduring appeal of A. A. Milne’s most treasured creation

FONTS: The drop-down font menu has made typographers of us all. However, Antony Woodward argues that how we write words can have a long-lasting impact on our lives

SHOOTING: Rupert Uloth discovers why closing one eye as you take aim on the shooting field this season is simply madness and meets the man on a crusade to change the habit of thousands

SPODE: Spode’s iconic Blue Italian china pattern turns 200 this year. Annunciata Walton looks back at the company’s history and welcomes its recent rebirth

MOTORING: Through the off-road mud, Charles Rangeley-Wilson gets a glimpse of the new Land Rover Discovery

COOKING: Simon Hopkinson conjures up two satisfying pasta dishes

PROPERTY: Penny Churchill profiles three houses where history is in the making and Carla Passino discovers the best places to invest in student property

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Agnes Stamp