Country Life March 15 2017

The smaller country houses number plus Mary Berry; the art of ceramics; and how to get rid of your children.

Country Life March 15 2017

Country Life March 15 2017 is our brilliant smaller country houses number, featuring Mary Berry on Agas, the art of ceramics and how to get rid of your children. Find out more here:

ARCHITECTURE: Roger White visits Rashleigh Barton in Devon to examine its lavish ornamental plasterwork

GARDENS: Yellow-flowered magnolias have long attracted the plant connoisseur, but these alluring trees deserve more widespread planting, argues Mark Griffiths

INTERVIEW: Michael Hockney, the founder of the Lord Mayor’s Big Curry Lunch, talks to Michael Murray-Fennell

AGAS: For 95 years, it’s been so much more than a cooker. Julie Harding lifts the hot plate on the heart-warming kitchen feature no country house should be without

WILDLIFE: David Profumo admires the wood ant’s strictly ordered world and its ability to shoot formic acid to defend itself

HOW TO DE-FEATHER YOUR NEST: Do you despair of your adult children, still squatting in their childhood rooms? Kit Hesketh-Harvey shares his wisdom on dealing with the boomerang generation

MOTORING: The latest Subaru Forester may be the best 4WD for ‘real country life’, says Charles Rangeley-Wilson

CERAMICS: Catherine Milner investigates the revival of enthusiasm for working with clay and discovers a new aesthetic that has transformed pottery into fine art

INTERIORS: Peter Gomez tells us what inspires Zoffany, we choose the best new fabrics and wallpapers and Giles Kime discovers what’s chic for chalets

COOKING: Melanie Johnson adds some zing with this season’s new spring onions

PROPERTY: Size doesn’t matter when it comes to charm for Penny Churchill and Eleanor Doughty finds out why we all pray for a parsonage

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Agnes Stamp