Country Life April 27 2016

Our amazing bluebells are the star in this week's magazine, plus an incredible moated garden and an East Anglia focus

Country Life April 27 2016

This week we pay tribute to our amazing bluebell woods- but can you tell the difference between recent invader the spanish bluebell, and our native flowers


** Eastern England property special

** As Tattersalls, Europe’s leading bloodstock auctioneer celebrates its 250th birthday, Mark Hedges reports on its enduring success

** Michael Hall charts the origins of these masculine domains from the 1880s and how they were decorated

** Matthew Dennison salutes the best examples of English locksmithing

** Braving the cold has never been so easy, says Annunciata Walton as she chooses the most stylish outdoor heaters

** Recipes with wild garlic

** Author Hunter Davies tells Jeremy Taylor about Wainwright, widowhood and working with the Beatles

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Holly Kirkwood