Country Life April 12 2017

Pumpkins, puffins and The Editor's Easter Quiz.

Country Life April 12 2017

Country Life April 12 2017 heralds the comeback of the great British village, pays homage to portly puffins, plus test your wits with The Editor’s Easter Quiz. Find out more here:

ARCHITECTURE: John Robinson lauds the newly completed Chapel of Christ the Redeemer in Berkshire

GARDENS: Jacky Hobbs takes a peek into the gardens of a Cotswold town, opened for just one weekend biennially

FAVOURITE PAINTING: The Bishop of Gloucester chooses a Craigie Aitchison Crucifixion

SCOTLAND: Fiona Reynolds says we need more Scottish national parks beyond the bonny banks of Loch Lomond

THE GREAT VILLAGE RENAISSANCE: Clive Aslet heralds the comeback of a proud and peculiarly British tradition of community co-operation and we celebrate the stalwarts of country life

PUFFINS: The portly puffin is a frantic flyer that spends the first seven weeks of its life underground, reveals David Profumo

THE EDITOR'S EASTER QUIZ: Have you had too many Easter eggs to take it on?

PUMPKINS: Now’s the time to sow seeds if you want to impress at the local flower show, advises Steven Desmond

VICARS: Alec Marsh meets the inspiring new generation of vicars, who’ve come to the Church from surprising routes

INTERIORS: Amelia Thorpe discovers grey is not the only colour

COOKING: Surrender to Simon Hopkinson’s sinful meringue puddings

SISTER ACT: Deborah Nash tells the story of the Biddenden maids

PROPERTY: Penny Churchill finds historic houses at the centre of things and Annunciata Walton selects perfect village houses

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