LADY GLENCONNER: Lady Glenconner talks to Flora Watkins about royalty, family tragedy and literary success.
CHIGGYPIGS: What is a hornywink? Or a bum barrel? Or a pynot? Patrick Galbraith reveals forgotten names for familiar creatures.
EGRETS: The fashion world drove the little egret into danger for the love of its plumes, but its plight gave rise to the RSPB and it is now thriving, reports Jack Watkins.
DOWSING: Dowsing for water may be an unexplainable skill, but there’s little doubt it’s still an effective one, discovers Catriona Gray.
COUNTRY LIFE INTERNATIONAL: News from Italy to New Zealand; in the footsteps of the Georgians; summer dreams from diving to driving; beloved plants from far away; perfect properties for both beach and countryside lovers; the rejuvenation of Mallorca; and an Englishman in Germany.
MY FAVOURITE PAINTING: Maja Markovic of Christie’s.
ANGLEPOISE: The Anglepoise lamp invented in a Bath garden is an engineering marvel.
STORMONT: Stormont Castle in Northern Ireland has gone from family house in Scottish style to the heart of politics, as John Goodall reveals in the first of two articles
CHARM BRACELETS: The charm bracelet, as worn by Queen Victoria, remains a favourite piece of jewellery.
LUXURY: Hetty Lintell is smelling of roses
INTERIORS: A library and bobbin furniture.
And much more.