Country houses for sale


A seven-bedroom oast house for sale in East Sussex, where your dreams can run riot

Unlisted, yet full of character, this property in the High Weald National Landscape is an eccentrically furnished family home that screams fun.

Images of the interiors and exteriors of Broad Oak in East Sussex
(Image credit: John D Wood)

By definition, a listed building is a structure ‘of special architectural or historic interest with legal protection’, so say the good people of Historic England, who are in charge of all that. They do fine work, protecting the nation’s built heritage. It is why England looks like England.

When buying a house, a listed building is a fine temptation. You know you are getting something with the aforementioned ‘architectural or historic interest’. You know that rather than just purchasing and owning a structure, you are becoming a guardian of history and heritage. But also, if you want to change anything, you are going to have difficulty in doing so. Double-glazing was not around when xx house was built, so it is forbidden now.

The sweet spot, then, is to find something that looks like it should be listed, but isn’t. That way you get all the prestige of owning an English country house, but also you can make it fit for 21st century needs.

Does ‘21st century needs’ also include green wallpaper with various species of exotic birds on it? A cheetah print carpet? According to the owners of Broad Oak, in East Sussex, yes it does. We do not judge. £2.25 million with John D Wood & Co.

Images of the interiors and exteriors of Broad Oak in East Sussex

(Image credit: John D Wood)

Oast houses are fun because they look like they are wearing little wizard hats. Originally, they were used for drying hops as part of the beer-making process, but these days, they have been transformed into stylish country homes that you can see up and down the land. Homes such as Broad Oak.

This particular example occupies a prime position above the High Weald National Landscape, with views to boot, as well as 6,600sq ft of refurbished living space. And what space it is. Original features aplenty, with lots of modern flair and eclectic furnishings. We approve.

With seven bedrooms in total, the property is nothing short of spacious. Four of them are arranged in the oasts themselves, while the characterful principle bedroom suite occupies most of the first floor and also comes with a wraparound roof terrace, from which to enjoy the sensational views.

On the ground floor, you will find a host of exciting reception spaces, from the vast open plan kitchen and dining room, to the large drawing room on the other side of the house. There is also a study, sauna, gym and lounge area.

The excitement continues outside, where the U-shaped building is wrapped around a central courtyard where you will find a swimming pool. The gardens and grounds extend to 13 acres in total, and there is a provision for a tennis court, if you’d like one.

Further outbuildings include a stable/storage block, as well as a double garage. There is also a large unused barn on the driveway. Magic.

Broad Oak is for sale with John D Wood & Co for offers in excess of £2.25 million. For more information and pictures, click here.

James Fisher
Deputy Digital Editor

James Fisher is the Deputy Digital Editor of Country Life. He writes about property, travel, motoring and things that upset him. He lives in London