NFU Mutual: Beautiful homes, bespoke cover

A home full of wonderful things takes a lifetime to accumulate, so don’t take chances when it comes to making sure it’s properly insured, says NFU Mutual.

(Image credit: NFU Mutual)

Buying online has become ubiquitous, but, for all the convenience it’s brought to our lives, there are some things that are simply better done the traditional way. When it comes to what truly matters to you, getting personal service makes sense. You wouldn’t order a tailor-made suit by clicking to add it to an online basket, so why would you take chances when it comes to protecting your home and everything that’s in it?

This underlying philosophy prompted NFU Mutual to launch its Bespoke Home Insurance 10 years ago. Since then, the company has helped countless customers to get the right protection — something that’s especially important for those who live in a beautiful home, filled with things that encapsulate the joy and meaning in life.

Finding the perfect cover isn’t always easy, as Mr Palmer discovered when moving back to a farmhouse in the UK after spending a number of years working overseas. ‘The farmhouse was in a beautiful scenic location with outbuildings and a few acres of land, which perfectly served our equestrian interests,’ he explains.

However, getting insurance for an older property with unique requirements proved challenging. In his years of travelling and living abroad, Mr Palmer had amassed an array of beautiful objects. ‘We built up a collection of items all with sentimental meaning and memories, ranging from antique carpets and a 400-year-old Korean chest of drawers, to jewellery and watches.’

"It is like doing business with a friend"

NFU Mutual’s Bespoke Home Insurance, reflecting the needs of those with high-value homes with contents valued at over £150,000, proved the perfect solution on both counts.

Each of the objects in Mr Palmer’s collection is valued individually, but they’re still all protected by a single policy; changes can be made whenever required and when a claim arose — as it did when his Patek Philippe watch was damaged — the resolution was swift and sympathetic.

‘I contacted my local NFU Mutual agency to inform them of the damage and they guided me through the claims process with ease. I was able to send the watch back to the manufacturer, who sympathetically repaired it back to its former glory. The whole process was very straightforward and hassle-free’, he adds.

An NFU Mutual agent will listen to you and understand your specific needs.
(Image credit: NFU Mutual)

Mr Cotter is another customer who has valued the level of service on offer — in his case provided by an NFU Mutual agent who came to assess his house and collection in person. ‘The agent was informative, knowledgeable and very friendly,’ says Mr Cotter. ‘She explained the cover that I needed and highlighted areas that I had not considered. She wasn’t at all pushy and gave me absolute peace of mind that, should anything happen, I would be adequately covered, and wouldn’t face a major loss.’

When a freak accident occurred — a bird flying into and cracking a skylight — everything was sorted out, right down to the provision of scaffolding to fit the replacement pane of glass. ‘My claim was settled efficiently; the process was hassle-free and simple,’ notes Mr Cotter.

It’s not surprising, then, that Mr Cotter — like nine out of 10 NFU Mutual Bespoke Home Insurance policy holders — has remained a loyal customer: ‘When it comes to renewal each year, my agent gives me a call and we have a good catch up — it is like doing business with a friend.’

For further information about NFU Mutual Bespoke Home Insurance, please call 0808 189 6884 or visit

The National Farmers Union Mutual Insurance Society Limited (No. 111982). Registered in England. Registered Office: Tiddington Road, Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire CV37 7BJ. Authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. A member of the Association of British Insurers.

NFU Mutual Bespoke