The Spice Girls, The Stage and the state of the Arts, with Alistair Smith

The Stage editor Alistair Smith joins James Fisher on the Country Life podcast this week to talk about the performing arts.

If it wasn’t for The Stage, there’s every chance that Britain and, indeed, the world may have been deprived of such great names as Kenneth Brannagh, Harold Pinter, Michael Caine, Sharon D Clarke, Idris Elba, The Spice Girls and Steps.

It goes to show the importance of trade publications, especially those that work in the Arts. I was very lucky to be joined this week on the Country Life by The Stage’s editor Alistair Smith to talk about all things theatre and the performing arts, as well as the Edinburgh Fringe. Full disclosure, he is also my friend and neighbour, and sometimes he feeds my cat while I’m on holiday.

Nevertheless, he is an expert in his field, having started working at the newspaper 20 years ago on work experience, before rising through the ranks to the top job. Over the years, he’s seen it all, from mime shows to the Kit Kat club to a Fringe performance that took place entirely in a lift.

The Stage editor Alistair Smith.

We talked about The Fringe, the state of the Arts in the UK and what can be done to help them, his work for the charity Get Into Theatre and how he got his big break in journalism thanks to a juggler.

As always, it’s a supremely engaging listen and you can download it wherever you get your podcasts.