How to deal with an older dog starting to show some bad behaviour after many happy years
A-list dog trainer Ben Randall helps a reader whose ageing dog has started changing its behaviour — and not for the better.
A-list dog trainer Ben Randall helps a reader whose ageing dog has started changing its behaviour — and not for the better.
Relying on the kindness of strangers is alive, well, and found in Skate at Somerset House on the Strand.
These days nobody would dream of keeping a wild animal as a pet, but there was a time, not so long ago, when a gentleman could stroll into Harrods and buy an elephant or an alligator. Jonathan Self explores the era of the exotic menagerie.
Over the past two years our award-winning dog trainer Ben Randall has been sharing his advice with Country Life readers.
Country Life looks back at the First World War through the lens of the Country Life Archive. View images, read a selection of wartime articles, and also download war artist Muirhead Bone’s first catalogue of drawings, originally published in 1917.
Ben Randall handles a query from a reader whose dog has lost her hearing.
Plankbridge's latest hut is designed specifically for washing the dog. Because a clean hound is a happy hound.
Ever wondered why your dog is so fond of sniffing another’s pee? 'The urine is the carrier service, the equivalent of Outlook or Gmail,' explains Laura Parker.
Over the course of Country Life's 125-year history, dozens of readers have shared their tales of ghosts. Here we've picked out seven of the most fascinating.
The devilishly smiling image of Jack O'Lantern is inseparable from Halloween, but what's the story behind it? Martin Fone explains — and discovers that the festival many complain about as an American import has been this side of the Atlantic for centuries.
Devoted dog owners, past and present, have created a veritable 'Barkitectural Digest'. Flora Watkins pays tribute to some of the most palatial pet houses in the land
Ben Randall tackles an issue for an owner of a dog that's almost as big as she is.
We loved it as a kid, and we should love it as an adult. Mud is fun to walk through, play with and has real scientific benefits for our health to boot.
Taking on a dog with ingrained bad habits can be a headache. Ben Randall explains how to retrain them to keep calm.
What is it like to grow up in a castle? Can you name Cambridge's most famous landmark? And who is the Welly Wanging World Record Holder? All this and more is revealed in today's Dawn Chorus.
A dog with an early routine is one thing — but a dog who occasionally decides to beat the birds up at dawn can be trickier to deal with.
The romance and glamour of taking a trip on an original steam train is hard to resist, and all the more so when paired with fine dining and opulent surroundings. Octavia Pollock took a trip to find out more.
A spectacular view of Snowdonia, the intelligence of owls and our quiz of the day are all highlights of this morning's Dawn Chorus.
Thanks to escapees from private collections and zoos, hitchhikers and releases of inconvenient pets, followed by the breeding efforts of these resilient species, the British Isles are now home to all kinds of exotic fauna not at all native to these shores.
It can be frustrating and stressful when your dog is stubbornly refusing to do its business while on a lead, especially if you’re in a scenario where you can’t let them roam free. Expert dog trainer Ben Randall explains how to encourage your dog to go on command.