Country Life's 10 best dog stories of 2021

From Border Terriers to the unwritten rules of walking your dog, here are the highlights of a year's worth of dog tales.


The top 20 cutest dog breeds in the world, ranked according to science

Ranking the cuteness of dogs? You might as well rank the beauty of flowers,' we wrote of the science behind this list. But it's hard to deny that it's a fascinating look at what we love about dogs.

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The ten unwritten rules of walking your dog – and how to follow them

There are some things that nobody will tell you before you get a dog. Until now, that is.

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The champion dog trainer with a game-changing method who can teach any dog new tricks

Ben Randall showed our own Paula Lester some of his wonderful dog training tips in October — and if you enjoyed this piece, the good news is that Ben will start writing for Country Life in 2022.

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West Highland Terriers: The dogs that are clever, funny and inquisitive, with an irresistibly smiley demeanour and a skip in their step

Few dogs have as much character as Westies — as the sometimes hair-raising tales in this piece show.

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Golden retrievers: The gorgeous dogs that bring friendship, loyalty and love

Some call the golden retriever the ‘dumb blonde’ of the dog world, but those who know them know differently.

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How to choose the perfect dog to fit your lifestyle, family and home

You might already know what sort of dog you'd like — if not, this is the place to start.

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Border terriers: The dogs with endless energy that still love a cuddle on the sofa

No less an authority than tennis legend Andy Murray provided the headline for this article — how's that for celebrity endorsement of a dog breed?

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The six most destructive dog breeds

Hide your food. Hide your shoes. Hide your magazines. Hide everything.

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The Lakeland terrier: ‘A hard-working handful’

The dog that'll keep going all day, in all weather. The big question is whether you can keep up.

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Curious Questions: Why can’t we resist puppy dog eyes?

It's no accident that your heart melts when dogs gaze into your eyes, as Martin Fone explains.

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Credit: Getty Images

Labradors: The all-action dogs that are just as happy lazing on the sofa as saving lives

An all-action working dog that's never happier than when lazing on the sofa? That's the labrador for you. We take

Ricky Hutchinson's Border Collies Jock and Moya hold a group of sheep for Ricky to inspect.
(Image credit: Duncan Ireland / Country Life Picture Library)

Sheepdog trials: How farmers' bluster has led to 150 years of enthralling, fascinating competition

The original working trials may have stemmed from banter over whose border collie was better, but, as members of the

White Labrador sitting on the grass

Credit: Alamy Stock Photo

Do pooches really take on the characteristics of their so-called owners? Rupert Uloth spoke to some of Britain’s most popular

Scrumpy and Fela the labradoodles. Photograph by Sarah Farnsworth for Country Life.

Scrumpy and Fela the labradoodles. Photograph by Sarah Farnsworth for Country Life.
(Image credit: Sarah Farnsworth)

Labradoodles: The ultimate companion, from allergy-compatible guide dog to beloved family pet

In the past 30 years, this well-mannered crossbreed has stolen our hearts, yet the man responsible has likened it to

Toby Keel

Toby Keel is Country Life's Digital Director, and has been running the website and social media channels since 2016. A former sports journalist, he writes about property, cars, lifestyle, travel, nature.