Britain's first giant tortoises: 'They’ve been around for 200 million years - we’re a blip to them'

Adrian Graham is passionate about his pets, which can live for up to 250 years and grow to the size of a rather tall man.

Adrian Graham and his giant Aldabra Tortoises
Adrian Graham and his giant Aldabra Tortoises. Photographed at his home in Lincolnshire.
(Image credit: Richard Cannon/Country Life Picture Library)

Many people who are allergic to fur give up on the idea of a pet, but not Adrian Graham. He got his first small tortoise when he was four, but at Chester Zoo, aged seven, he saw giants and it was ‘a light-bulb moment’.

Mr Graham now has 23 giant Aldabra tortoises (as well as small ones), which he takes to county shows for people to admire. The entire wild population, some 10,000, lives on one small island the size of the Isle of Wight near Mauritius. ‘They are doing fine, but if disaster hit Aldabra island, they’d all be wiped out.’

(Image credit: Richard Cannon/Country Life Picture Library)

The 6ft-long tortoises, which can live to 250 years old, have never bred in Europe – Mr Graham’s may be the first. ‘They have to be 45 years old before they can breed. Mine are the oldest privately owned in the UK and are from several families, so have different genetics. And it’s only when they reach puberty, aged 20, that you can sex them. You might bring up a pair for 20 years and then find they’re both boys!’

Adrian Graham and his giant Aldabra Tortoises

(Image credit: Richard Cannon/Country Life Picture Library)

Most giant tortoises are kept with food and water continually available, but ‘the natural cycle is times of shortage and plenty. Giants can store fluid and fat like camels – they can go 12 months without eating and two months without drinking. I believe they need jeopardy to breed’.

Adrian Graham and his giant Aldabra Tortoises

(Image credit: Richard Cannon/Country Life Picture Library)

Mr Graham is hopeful he won’t have long to wait: ‘There was more activity this summer, they were chasing each other around. It’s only a matter of time.’

His giants enjoy six acres of landscaped play areas and temperature-controlled barns, plus a new mud wallow. ‘They’re cold blooded, so need the sun, but above 30˚C they hide in caves or mud.’

Adrian Graham and his giant Aldabra Tortoises

Adrian Graham and his giant Aldabra Tortoises. Photographed at his home in Lincolnshire. Photograph: Richard Cannon/Country Life Picture Library
(Image credit: Richard Cannon/Country Life Picture Library)

Their names range from the noble – Trojan, Samson, Jupiter – to the inevitable: Shelby. They have different characters, more so than small tortoises, and love attention. ‘They stand up as tall as they can and stretch their necks out to have their heads scratched.’

Mr Graham points out: ‘They’ve been around for 200 million years. We’re a blip to them. For me, they’re a passion, and will be until my dying day.’

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Octavia Pollock

Octavia, Country Life's Chief Sub Editor, began her career aged six when she corrected the grammar on a fish-and-chip sign at a country fair. With a degree in History of Art and English from St Andrews University, she ventured to London with trepidation, but swiftly found her spiritual home at Country Life. She ran away to San Francisco in California in 2013, but returned in 2018 and has settled in West Sussex with her miniature poodle Tiffin. Octavia also writes for The Field and Horse & Hound and is never happier than on a horse behind hounds.