Pick of the sticks
(from left to r
Twisted hazel crone stick, from Lee Chadwick Country Crafts, £75 (07747 444692; www.leechadwick.com)
Dog walking stick, with shank made from varnished Burmese teak and head from solid silver, from Comyns, £349 (020-7474 5511; www.comyns-silver.com)
Red-deer antler thumb stick, made from buffalo horn and hazel, from Steve Barrett,
£45 (07974 634590; www.walkingandworkingsticks.co.uk)
Market stick, yew on blackthorn shank, from Lee Chadwick, £90 (07747 444692; www.leechadwick.com)
Twisty Thumbstick, Lee Chadwick (as above) £90.
Black-face ram’s-horn leg cleek, with Scottish hazel shank, about £200, from John Marsh (01688 302048; www.stickmaker.com)
Flamingo walking stick, made from painted and varnished hazel, from Jake King, from £165 (01453 828114; www.ramblerstick.co.uk)
Duck walking stick, from Comyns Silver, £349 (020-7474 5511; www.comyns-silver.com)