Help bumblebees this summer

This summer you can help the Bumblebee Conservation Trust by monitoring the bumblebees seen on walks in your area

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This year the Bumblebee Conservation Trust is asking everyone to embrace the British summer and help them monitor the bumblebee population across the UK by partaking in bumblebee walks.

These walks are a great way of enjoying the countryside, whether you attend a guided walk, or create your own route and record the bumblebees in your area.

Bumblebees are essential to the countryside, pollinating crops and wildflowers. You can help the Bumblebee Conservation Trust monitor how the bee population is changing.

To find out more information about the guided walks or to find out how to get involved in creating your own route, you can visit the BeeWalk Survey Scheme site or www.bumblebeeconservation.or

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Katy Birchall
Katy is the proud owner of four labradors in varying colours and is also the author of the young-adult fiction series ‘The It Girl’ published by Egmont. The first novel in the series came out in May and two sequels will follow in 2016. The rights have been sold in 12 territories including France, Germany, Spain and the USA, where it comes out in hardback next June.