Government Stalls on Stonehenge

The Government has again put off making a decision on traffic around Stonehenge. The site drastically needs to be rethought, says the National Trust, but it is being failed by a combination of prevarication and obfuscation.

Stonehenge at sunset Credit English Heritage For further information, please contact Helen Barnett/Christine Gray at English Heritage Public Affairs on 020 7973 3252/3295

The Government is failing Stonehenge, on of the world's most important landmarks, according to the National Trust.

The latest Government report on the site, which attempts to find a resolution to the problem of traffic flow nearby without upsetting either archaeologists or environmentalists, comes to very little conclusion.

The five options outlined in this review all focus on transport solutions which denigrate the site, says the Trust, and will threaten to damage valuable archaeology. They do not represent the full range of alternative solutions to the problem which is posed, the heritage body is arguing.

Improving the A303 by Stonehenge is a major undertaking and original Government proposals have been difficult to justify because of the expense, but the Trust argues that it is possible for other avenues to be explored which are cheaper, and are also better for the local environment.

Brendan McCarth, Regional Director at the National Trust said: 'Neither the shortlist of options that the Review has come up with - nor the process by which they have been selected - give us confidence that the world heritage status of Stonehenge is being properly addressed. Instead of edging forward towards a solution, we are in real danger of going backwards.'

Transport Minister Stephen Ladyman commented: 'I am keen to take account of as many views as possible before deciding on an option that will be in keeping with the special requirements of the location as well as being affordable, realistic and deliverable.'

Holly Kirkwood