Donkey wanted for Gloucestershire village

A donkey is wanted for for the Gloucestershire village of Chalford, near Stroud, to provide an eco-friendly answer to the problem of transporting shopping up Rack Hill, a steep, 100-metre long hill, which is inaccessible to cars.

Donkeys were used in Chalford in the 1930s to help transport bread and coal along the small paths up the hill, but the deliveries stopped in the 1950s.

Now the villagers, led by Anna Usborne, would like to raise £600 to buy a donkey from the local sanctuary.

Chalford Community Stores newsletter is currently running an announcement that reads: ‘In true traditional Chalford style, we are considering making some deliveries using a donkey – yes a donkey. Imagine being woken from a deep sleep by squealing excited children as your Saturday papers and bread arrive by donkey.’

Resident Dave Andrews says the 30 or so Rack Hill residents in the village are all backing the ‘Bring back the Chalford Donkey’ campaign: ‘Some residents have resorted to ordering their shopping to be delivered from supermarkets but we don’t want their vans turning up in our village. We would much rather get our stuff up with the help of a donkey.’

For more information, email Anna Usborne at

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