Dog sitter website goes nationwide

Website matches dogsitters to owners who want to go away

Find dogsitters online
My dog buddy

If you’ve been too worried about your dog to go on holiday, perhaps a website which matches dog-sitters to owners looking for holiday care could be the solution?

A website matching dog-sitters— who have been through a rigorous vetting process—with owners looking for holiday care has gone nationwide.

The site,, also offers free insurance and has teamed up with Medi-Vet to help dogsitters in the event of emergency. Richard Setterwall, a former management consultant for McKinsey and PwC, launched the site last year. Now, it’s gone nationwide and some 19,000 people have signed up, with 1,180 vetted sitters across all major cities.

‘With 10% of dog owners—half a million people in the UK—not going on holiday because they don’t want to leave their dog in kennels, myDogBuddy is hugely beneficial,’ says spokesman Richard Setterwall.

It also works well for people who love dogs, but can’t look after one full-time.

This article was first published in Country Life on August 13 2014

Holly Kirkwood