Contest to find champion Cotswolds tree

Parishes throughout the Cotswolds are invited to enter the newly launched competition for ‘champion’ trees or tree projects.

Sherborne tree 2

The competition, run by the Cotswolds Tree Warden Group, is open until November 21, and will award prizes in categories such as most characterful ancient tree, most colourful tree, most oddly shaped tree and most wildlife-hospitable tree.

Parishes can submit entries in three of the 24 categories, with prizes awarded for ‘best entry in class’ and a top award given for ‘best in the District’. The Tree Warden Committee will judge the classes and Jon Stokes of the Tree Council will judge the District award.

Abbey Grounds, Ciren tree 1

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Mr Stokes, director of rural programmes at the Tree Council, says: ‘Trees are the crowning glory of the Cotswolds. They’re the oldest living things in our countryside, provide homes for hundreds of different species and often have a wealth of local tradition and stories associated with them.

‘The competition offers every parish community the chance to celebrate their favourite trees or a tree project that they’re most proud of.’

To enter, people should contact their Parish Tree Warden, Parish Co-ordinator or Parish Clerk.

Sherborne tree 1

Competition categories
1.    Tree (single stem) with biggest circumference measured at 1.5m from ground
2.    Tree with widest spread of branches
3.    Most characterful ‘ancient tree’
4.    Tree with most interesting history
5.    Most colourful tree
6.    Tree with most impressive above-ground roots
7.    Tree with most interesting bark
8.    Record of largest number of trees planted as result of TW initiative
9.    Record of successful seed sowing
10.    Record of most significant school/young people involvement
11.    Most thriving millennium yew (photo & dimensions)
12.    Most oddly shaped tree
13.    Most wildlife-hospitable tree (nests, bat roosts, identified invertebrates)
14.    Most photogenic tree
15.    Most typical tree of its species (photo)
16.    Most fruit-laden tree (photo)
17.    Tree with biggest fruit (photo & dimensions of fruit)
18.    Most interesting juxtaposition
19.    Rarest tree
20.    Tree growing in most hostile environment
21.    Oldest tree (documentary evidence)
22.    Multi-stemmed tree growing over widest area (Record or photo & record)
23.    Tree with other tree/plant growing in/on it
24.    A wonderful tree or activity (say why) not covered by above classes

Abbey Grounds, Ciren tree 2

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