70 mesmerising pictures of Nature and man going on display at Charlie Waite’s latest exhibition in London

Admission is free to Charlie Waite's Light & Land exhibition at the Mall Galleries.

When the landscape photographer Charlie Waite joined us on the Country Life Podcast earlier this year, we described him as a ‘true national treasure’ — not just for his magnificent images, but for the way in which he’s set about inspiring others to get in to photography themselves.

His long-running Landscape Photographer of the Year competition is the most famous example of this, but this week Charlie is behind another initiative: an exhibition at the Mall Galleries this week, from Tuesday 3rd to Saturday 7th September 2024.

Charlie’s pictures will hang alongside those of other landscape photographers, amateur and professional, from across the world — and admission is free.

You can find out more about the show at the Mall Galleries website, or on Charlie’s Light and Land website, while below you’ll see a selection of images from the show to give you an idea of what to expect.

Many of the 70 photographs on display are images of Nature — but several also focus on the landscapes that Man has created, including a breathtaking shot of Eastbourne Pier by Young Landscape Photographer of the Year winner Ellis Skelton.

Eastbourne Pier. Credit: Ellis Skelton / Light & Land on the Mall


Credit: Peter Hendrie / Light & Land on the Mall


Credit: Barry Cooper / Light & Land on the Mall


Credit: Ed Rumble / Light & Land on the Mall


Light and Land on The Mall runs from 3-7 September 2024 — admission is free. See mallgalleries.org.uk.