Eight magnificent fireplaces to fire your living room ideas

Amelia Thorpe rounds up the latest stoves and fireplaces.

(Image credit: Arada)

Arada: Hot colour

Teaming warm colour with clean-burning credentials, the compact Farringdon Small Eco stove in Spice exceeds Ecodesign standards when burning wood or solid fuel. Shown here with its log store.

£1,611 from Arada — 01297 632050; www.aradastoves.com

Charnwood’s Classic style

Manufactured on the Isle of Wight, the design of the Cranmore wood-burning stove is inspired by the work of neo-Classical architect John Nash, who lived the last years of his life on the island. Featuring clean-burn Blu technology and a clearSkies level 5 rating.

From £1,700 from Charnwood — 01983 537777; www.charnwood.com

(Image credit: Charnwood)

Chesneys: Amazing grace

Simple, elegant and graceful, the Chesneys Cirencester design disposes with traditional plinth blocks to give it a more contemporary look. It's part of their British Materials Collection and can be delivered in different stone finishes; this one is Yorkshire Swaledale Fossil.

From £2,500 — 020–7627 1410; www.chesneys.co.uk

The Cirencester design for the British Materials Collection by Chesneys.
(Image credit: Chesneys)

Incidentally, if you're looking for a way to keep enjoying outdoor living in the winter months, Chesneys have a newly-launched Clean Burn XL garden heater, designed to produce greater heat output and enough warmth for you to enjoy your garden for more of the year. It has a 110cm-wide fire chamber with a panoramic glass window for the best view of the fire.

£1,999 — 020–7627 1410; www.chesneys.co.uk

(Image credit: Chesneys)

Haddonstone’s Period piece

Haddonstone offers a range of cast-stone fireplaces, including this Art Deco fireplace with slips and hearth, available in Portland, Bath, Terracotta, Coade or Slate colours.

£1,395 — 01604 770711; www.haddonstone.com

(Image credit: Haddonstone)

Jamb inspired by the Italian Renaissance

This handsome Roma black marble chimneypiece is based on an Italian Renaissance design from the American Academy of Design in Rome.

£11,760, from Jamb — 020–7730 2122; www.jamb.co.uk

(Image credit: Jamb)

Martin Moore: Custom made

This classical Gothic Rosette fireplace is made in Burgundian limestone by Martin Moore Stone. It can be made to any size to suit your room.

From £3,000 — 0330 311 6574; www.martinmoorestone.com

(Image credit: Martin Moore)

Renaissance London’s Antique find

This Georgian fire surround is one of a pair, each featuring a finger-fluted frieze, bull’s eye corner blocks and impressive scrolled legs. Made of Bath stone with some restoration work required.

Each fireplace costs £14,000 from Renaissance London — 020–7251 8844; www.renaissancelondon.com

(Image credit: Graham Aktins-Hughes / Renaissance London)

Westland London: Rare piece

This rare Scottish pine and composition chimneypiece, from about 1805, by Richard Foster of Edinburgh features a central tablet depicting Lady Emma Hamilton leaning on a ship’s anchor and gazing out to sea at the distant HMS Victory, the ship on which Lord Nelson would meet his heroic end. This scene is surrounded by a profusion of seashells and seaweed, as a celebration of the Scottish coast.

Price on application from Westland London — 020 7739 8094; www.westlandlondon.com

(Image credit: Westland)

Wood burning in an open fireplace... but that hot air is whooshing up your chimney.

Open fires v wood-burning stoves: The grate debate

Wood-burning stove or open fire? Arabella Youens examines the pros and cons of both options.

Credit: Graham Aktins-Hughes / Renassiance London

Fine fireplace surrounds and accessories to bring extra warmth to your fire

Amelia Thorpe picks some of the finest fireplace surrounds and accessories for your home.

Amelia Thorpe

Amelia Thorpe is a design and interiors journalist and regular contributor to Country Life. She spent the first half of her career book publishing, before jumping the fence to become a writer — a role that she adores. Amelia lives in London with her husband and two roguish dogs.