Highland flourishes for the house.
1. Freestanding LA stove, from £1,674, Charnwood
(01983 537777; www.charnwood.com)
2. Antique English sandstone, £354 per square metre, Lapicida
(020–3012 1000; www.lapicida.com)
3. Grouse linen fabric, £70.50 per metre, Fabrics & Papers
(01273 495500; www.fabricsandpapers.com)
4. Hand-knotted art silk-and-wool bark-print rug, £440 per square metre, Amy Kent
(07979 594651; www.amykent.co.uk)
5. Manor Harris-tweed chair in bracken, £1,050, Rose & Grey
(01619 268763; www.roseandgrey.co.uk)
6. Dog bed in greyfriars wool tartan, £995 with 20% of each UK sale donated to the Grassmarket Community Project and RAFT, Savoir Beds
(020–8838 4838; www.savoirbeds.co.uk)
7. Marlborough gun cabinet, £8,995, The Bespoke Gun Cabinet Company
(0800 028 0921; www.thebespokeguncabinetcompany.co.uk)
8. Truro floor lamp in bronze, £1,710, from Vaughan
(020–7349 4600; www.vaughandesigns.com)