8 fun outdoor & garden toys for children

Get outside and have some fun in the sun while it lasts.

garden toys for children

garden toys for children

1. Wicker Indian teepee

, £199.90, from Maisons Du Monde (0808 234 2172; www.maisonsdumonde.com)

garden toys for children

2. Garden igloo 360

, £699, by Houseology (01412 802047; www.houseology.com)

garden toys for children

3. Wooden see-saw

, £99.99, from Plum (0344 880 5302; www.plumplay.co.uk)

garden toys for children

4. Children’s treehouse

, from £37,000, by High Life Treehouses (01442 733837; www.highlifetreehouses.co.uk)

garden toys for children

5. Oak cantilever swing

, from £4,800 plus VAT, by Flights of Fantasy (01485 544114; www.flightsoffantasy.co.uk)

garden toys for children

6. The Trilogy swing

, from £1,859, by Sitting Spiritually (01297 443084; www.sittingspiritually.co.uk)

garden toys for children

(Image credit: Hasselblad H5D)

7. Hanging cocoon

, from £295, from Graham and Green (020–8987 3700; www.grahamandgreen.co.uk)

garden toys for children

(Image credit: Adam Duckworth)

8. Bespoke Hotchpotch 4-in-1 playhouse

, from £40,000, by The Master Wishmakers (01536 525552; www.masterwishmakers.com)

Rosie Paterson

Rosie is Country Life's Digital Content Director & Travel Editor. She joined the team in July 2014 — following a brief stint in the art world. In 2022, she edited the magazine's special Queen's Platinum Jubilee issue and coordinated Country Life's own 125 birthday celebrations. She has also been invited to judge a travel media award and chaired live discussions on the London property market, sustainability and luxury travel trends.