A hot cross bun recipe that will be even more divisive than the whole Brexit thing

Eggs, bacon, ketchup and hot cross buns in one recipe? It's either a sure sign of the apocalypse or else so mad it might just work.

Hot cross buns with eggs, bacon and tomato ketchup
'Abandon hope, all ye who cook this dish'....
(Image credit: Joff Lee)

For many of us – and I count myself among these right-minded people – there's nothing quite so perfect as a hot cross bun, freshly-toasted, splurged with a generous dollop of good quality butter.

My wife takes a different view: she also adds jam. And while I could perhaps right this off as one of her little foibles, I find it tough to swallow the fact that she has converted the children to her way of seeing things.

That terrible desecration of a hot cross bun pales into insignificance, however, when put up against the recipe which came our way the other day.

Hot cross buns with bacon. And maple syrup.

And eggs.

And tomato ketchup.

Reader, I shudder; I hope you do too.

Thus, in the spirit of the horror film director who hopes to lessen real-world anxieties by sharing his impossible worst-case-scenarios with the world, we hereby share this recipe from the mad scientists at British Lion Eggs. Never again will such minor trifles such as jam-or-cream-first-on-scones trouble you.

If you're brave enough to try this, please let us know – and if you like it, the organisation has more ideas at www.eggrecipes.co.uk. You have been warned.

Ingredients (serves 4)

  • 8 rashers smoked back bacon
  • Maple syrup
  • A little oil or frying
  • 4 large British Lion eggs
  • 4 hot cross buns
  • 4 tsp tomato ketchup
  • Baby spinach leaves


  • Brush both sides of the bacon rashers with maple syrup then place on a grill rack.
  • Cook under a hot grill for 6 minutes, turning until they are crisp and golden on bite sides. Drain on kitchen paper.
  • Split and toast the hot cross buns under the grill.
  • Meanwhile, heat a little oil in a non stick frying pan, crack in the eggs and fry for 3—4 minutes or until cooked to your liking.
  • Spread the base of the buns with ketchup, top with spinach, bacon and the fried egg.
  • Serve straight away with more ketchup if desired.

Hot cross buns with eggs, bacon and tomato ketchup

The full version of the picture at the top of this page, which includes the ketchup itself, and was therefore deemed too shocking by our editors for such prominent placement.
(Image credit: Joff Lee)

hot cross buns thumb.jpg

Hot cross bun bread and butter pudding

Easter is just around the corner, and if you find yourself with leftover hot-cross buns on your hands that have

Hot Cross Buns - as made by Tom Aikens

Credit: Hot Cross Buns - as made by Tom Aikens

How to make perfect hot cross buns, using Tom Aikens’ recipe

Tom Aikens, founder of Tom's Kitchen, shared his recipe with Country Life.

Toby Keel

Toby Keel is Country Life's Digital Director, and has been running the website and social media channels since 2016. A former sports journalist, he writes about property, cars, lifestyle, travel, nature.