How to make pan-fried haddock with wild garlic mayonnaise

Our kitchen garden cook comes up with a spectacularly pretty recipe for haddock with wild garlic mayonnaise which will knock your guests' socks off.

pan-fried haddock with wild garlic mayonnaise
(Image credit: Melanie Johnson / Country Life)

'Dark, leafy and highly fragrant wild garlic is not to be missed,' says our kitchen garden cook Melanie Johnson, who advises that 'you’ll find it growing in abundance along rivers and streams and the smell will be unmistakable.'


For the wild garlic oil

450ml olive oil

100g wild garlic

For the haddock

450ml wild garlic oil

1tspn mustard powder

1tspn white wine vinegae

3 egg yolks

Haddock fillets


For the garlic oil

Wash the wild garlic and then place it in salted boiling water for a minute before plunging into iced water. This retains its wonderful bright colour.

Drain it, pat it dry and put the garlic in a blender with the olive oil, then process for about 5 minutes.

Pass the garlic oil through a fine-mesh sieve and then leave to drip slowly through muslin overnight. By morning, you will have a green and fragrant oil ready to use.

To make the wild garlic mayonnaise

Put the mustard powder, white wine vinegar and egg yolks into a blender. With the blades running, slowly add 450ml wild garlic oil, starting with single drops. Process until the mixture is a beautiful deep green and then add salt and a squeeze of lemon. Refrigerate until ready to use.

To cook the haddock

Heat olive oil and butter in a non-stick frying pan until foamy. Place the haddock, skin side down, on the hot pan and cook on this side for a few minutes until opaque. Turn the fish over, take off the heat and let the residual warmth cook the fish just through.

Sprinkle seasoning and add a squeeze of lemon. Place the fish on warmed plates. Decorate with green shoots and edible flowers and dot the plates with mayonnaise. Serve immediately.

Credit: Melanie Johnson

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Melanie Johnson
Melanie Johnson is a food writer, photographer and stylist