'I've seen a lot of change — but not as much as my grandmother. She lived through horsepower to seeing a man on the moon.'
Lucy Baring reports back from her mother's 90th birthday party, but not before negotiating a phone shop with no phone signal.
Lucy Baring writes 'Spectator' columns for Country Life.
Lucy Baring reports back from her mother's 90th birthday party, but not before negotiating a phone shop with no phone signal.
Lucy Baring loses her passport and finds a very different kind of holiday.
Lucy Baring heads in to London and feels the cost of inflation.
Lucy Baring says goodbye to a much-loved and missed four-legged family member.
Lucy Baring longs to be back ashore.
Lucy Baring doesn’t have fish fever.
Don't give Lucy Baring a clipboard.
How can you spend just one day getting ready for India, wonders Lucy Baring.
Why do all supper guests bring bread, wonders Lucy Baring.
Lucy Baring does as she's told.
Lucy Baring mourns the family cat.
Lucy Baring acquires a new suitcase.
Why robins, asks Lucy Baring.
Lucy Baring always seems to miss seeing wildlife.
Lucy Baring almost loses Fletcher.
Lucy Baring clues up on big farming ideas for small farmers.
Don’t get bossy with Lucy Baring.
Lucy Baring doesn’t have green fingers.
Skiing holds no appeal for Lucy Baring.
Lucy Baring can't count on chickens.