Until June 15 ‘Gold Fusion’, Aston Martin, 113 Park Lane, London W1. Works by artists including Henry Moore and Nic Fiddian Green set amongst classic and newly released Aston Martins. In association with the Pepper Gallery, 9am-5pm (07917 233103; http://thepeppergallery.com)
Day out
June 15 Wildlife Conservation Day, Stillingfleet Lodge Gardens, York, Bumblebee and dragonfly walks, plus moth identification and advice on growing your own wildflower meadow. Yorkshire. 10am-5pm, refreshments all day in the barn café (01904 728506; www.stillingfleetlodgenurseries.co.uk)
June 14-15 Longleat Fishing and Country Show, Wiltshire. New major angling fair to replace Chatsworth, with clinics, expert advice, tackle and demonstrations on three lakes. Tickets £17 (01844 215138; www.longleat.co.uk/fishingshow)
Open gardens
June 15-16 National Gardens Festival Weekend, various venues across England and Wales. Billed as the largest garden-visiting event in history, there will be 800 openings over the weekend. Supporting nursing and caring charities including Macmillan Cancer Support and Help the Hospices (www.ngs.org.uk)
June 15-16 Unusual Plants Fair, Gilbert White’s House, Selborne, Hampshire Specialist growers and suppliers from all over southern England. 10.30am-5pm, tickets £6 (01420 511275; www.gilbertwhiteshouse.org.uk)
Book now
July 25-30, August 1 and 3 Carmen, Winslow Hall Opera, Winslow, Buckinghamshire. Tickets £75 (07504 298575; www.winslowhallopera.co.uk)
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