‘If you get 12 great photographs a year, you’re doing well’: Charlie Waite on the secrets of landscape photography

The world-renowned landscape photographer Charlie Waite joins the Country Life Podcast.

The landscape photographer Charlie Waite is a true national treasure. A fellow of the Royal Photographic Society, he has published dozens of photography books and founded the Landscape Photographer of the Year awards back in 2006.

We’re absolutely delighted that he joined us on the Country Life Podcast, telling host James Fisher about his life in photography, how he was shaped by his early years in theatre and film, and his philosophy on how to produce — not just ‘take’ — a photograph has evolved.

He tells us about how he has been inspired by some of the greats of the craft, from Ansel Adams to Henri Cartier-Bresson, quoting some of the advice he has taken on board from his heroes.

Charlie is also passionate about sharing his love of landscape photography with as many people as possible, both through his Light & Land workshops and tours, and with his latest venture, an exhibition at the Mall Galleries in September 2024 in which Charlie’s pictures will hang alongside those of other landscape photographers, amateur and professional, from across the world.

Episode credits

  • Host: James Fisher
  • Guest: Charlie Waite
  • Editor and Producer: Toby Keel
  • Music: JuliusH via Pixabay
  • Special thanks: Adam Wilbourn